
WHO GOES THERE? 2nd Edition

Created by Certifiable Studios

Updated mechanics = even better gameplay. Additional expansion characters = even more paranoia. Here's the Thing: kill it or become it.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 02, 2020 at 11:45:35 PM

Hey everyone! 

For many of us in the US, these past few days were filled with food and family and friends (within reason, of course) and lots of reasons to be thankful as we celebrated our Thanksgiving holiday. For some, a gluttonous feast is followed by lots of sugary desserts, which is then followed by regret. Well, my dear friends, the regret had only just begun once another glorious package arrived today! 

I told you it was glorious! Jesse and Anthony would like you to believe they aren't ecstatic for the beauty that is Sugar Ponies and the Quest for the Cotton Corns. They'll even go so far as to really get into the method acting role and never break character as a despiser of the game. But I know the truth. They will wait for me to leave tonight and play it over and over and over. Tomorrow when I ask why they are so tired, they'll probably say there was a pea under their 20 mattresses which kept them from sleeping. Or they may say they played Call of Duty all night while they chugged a few Dogmuds. But I know the truth. Even as I type this, Jesse is in his office waiting for me to leave so he and Anthony can play this masterpiece of a game. Part of me wants to linger just to make him suffer, but I'm ok with him loving the game as much as I do, so I'll leave soon. If you are regretting not buying this marvel of a game, send an email to [email protected]. He can still help. 

Oh yeah, the new Who Goes There? 2nd Edition rulebook is looking great, too. A few more corrections and we'll be done. I hope you had a great November and are poised to make December your best month in 2020 yet! We are certainly going to try! 

- Rick 

p.s. This is probably going to be the last update Jesse will let me actually post. If that's the case...good bye! :)

over 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 12:33:14 AM

Hey everyone! 

We got a BIG box of stuff today! And apparently the bigger the box...the longer the update video! So...for those of you that don't want to watch a 19 minute video, all you really need to know is the components are looking GREAT! :) 

Of course, I would also like to ask the 498 backers that haven't completed their survey to do so, but those backers probably aren't seeing the updates anyway. Then there's those of you that got the slip cover even without the new Deluxe, Deluxe box that it fits that we'd love to hear from, but I don't want to take away from the video. 

For those of you that actually do want to watch a video as long as the Thing's tentacles, Merry Christmas...early! 

For those of you that ordered the slip cover, you may have noticed the barcode window on the back side. After discussing this further, we have decided to remove the window so the sleeve will not have the blemish. It was initially put there to solve a problem with identifying the individual SKUs, but with there being several versions with the same box, we are opting to solve that issue another way. So, the final version will not have the missing piece. If seeing the sleeve in all its glory made you want to add it to your order, please email [email protected] and he can help you out. 

Possible most importantly, we believe we are still on track to get everything shipping prior to CNY, but I would be lying if I said we weren't cutting it close. The manufacturer is trying hard to make it happen, but we are only pushing them to the point that we still feel good about quality control. We truly want to make our March delivery deadline, and I think we can. I just don't want to be naive this late in the game to the point of promising what we can't control. Fingers and tentacles crossed we are still on schedule. 

We hope you have a great rest of your week!

-the team at Certifiable

over 3 years ago – Sat, Oct 03, 2020 at 03:26:28 AM

Happy Friday, everyone! We got a package from the manufacturer and are excited to share!

We are loving the new minis and trays and can't wait for you to see for yourself. Anthony is working on the final card art as we speak, Brent and Dante are tweaking the rule book, and we are well on our way. According to our manufacturer, barring any unforeseen issues, we should be ready to set sail in January which will keep us on track for March delivery! 


Unrelated to Who Goes There?, we are also excited about our latest addition to the D6 world with the ADVANCED D6 STARTER CLASS pack. Even if you aren't interested in D6, you may find the commercial funny at least. 

If you are interested in D6, the ADVANCED D6 STARTER CLASS, or anything related to ENDANGERED ORPHANS, you can order now. D6 is available now, but the STARTER CLASS and HOUSE OF RATH are pre-orders and will deliver in June. 

Have a great weekend! 

- the team at Certifiable

over 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 02:29:08 AM

Hey everyone! The time has come for us to finally charge the remaining balances for those of you that used a credit card in the pledge manager. We originally planned to charge in July, but didn't see the need to push due to so many uncertainties with the pandemic. We will be processing the payments that are still outstanding Friday, September 18th. If you have issues or need to make a last minute change, please contact [email protected]. Please remember that many of you used PayPal and were already charged, so this will not affect you. 

585 to go?

First, a big thank you to the roughly 6,000 that completed the survey. Unfortunately, though, there are still 585 surveys still unanswered. I sent out another reminder from Backerkit to those of you that haven't completed the pledge manager process, so please answer it as soon as you can. If you are a $1 backer and don't want anything, please answer the pledge so we won't bother you again. There are, however, many backers that have already spent money on Kickstarter for a game, but you have to complete the survey and pay for shipping or it won't be processed. If you don't think you received an email prompting you to complete it, go to to recover your survey. 

An infectious work ethic!  

Our House of Rath KS campaign is complete, but Anthony has not yet stopped working on production assets for WGT? 2nd edition.  We've already sent all the 3D files for the miniatures to the manufacturer, now the final artistic touches for the art elements are being addressed. 

You can also see the extended time lapse of the Barclay sculpting process here! 

And lastly, the final Deluxe, Deluxe Thing box many of you can't wait to get your tentacles on! 

More to come soon! Have a great week! 

- the team at Certifiable 

P.S. If you missed the campaign but still want to pledge for House of Rath, you can do so here

Introducing the Flavor of the Month!!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 04:46:25 PM

Bidet Covians!

We want to offer you, our faithful backers, something special and thus Flavor of the Month was created! 4 times a year we will offer a coffee mug and shirt that will only be available for that month and's GONE FOREVER!! Head over to and at the bottom of the page you'll see the E-Buzz coffee mug and Bald t-shirt.

Also, if you'd like to join our Discord channel and get some sneak peeks at things we're doing around the studios, head over to: